Monday, November 24, 2014

Slave to the Meds

Every day was the same.  I was suffering socially, physically, mentally...and it was so overwhelming I didn't know where to begin dealing with it.  For four years I was only functional and out of bed about 7 hours a day, and had at most one or two good/normal days a month.  But...I was making eye contact.  And I was making friends!  I was able to keep calm and not let anger color my words that normally kept people away.  People weren't afraid of me and enjoyed being around me.  But as each Summer came, I could no longer sleep my life away.  Each Summer, I would try to go off the meds.  Each Summer I failed. 
I eventually picked up the Temple Grandin book 'The Way I See It' and read her chapters on autism treatments.  She eventually came to the conclusion that a duality of treatments involving traditional and alternative medicines seemed to give the best results. 
It's been a while since I've blogged.  I spent the year changing meds and discovering the potential of essential oils.  I'm doing better now, but I still have more goals to reach.  Full-time employment is up next, wish me luck.