Friday, August 13, 2010

The Scapegoat...

Parents get so angry about the disorder their children cannot help having and reacting to. Do you know what it feels like to be a teenager or adult with autism? I do. I’ll tell you all about it. I am autism. It is in my genetic code, in my blood. When someone is angry at autism for the inconvenience it places on their life, and it does, in fact, place a huge inconvenience, how do you think the person with autism feels? Well, you are angry at them. They are the problem. They feel guilty and lonely and sad. They are the living embodiment of a scapegoat. It isn’t vaccines, hormones, or the economic condition. It is in the DNA. You are angry at something they cannot help being. It’s like being angry at the color of your skin, or at a tic. And yes, I have tics. I kick and flail my arm. Haven’t seen it? I’m too busy hiding what inconveniences everyone else….busy wrapping my life around others to be convenient. Do you want autism to rule your child’s life? Stop forcing them to accommodate you. Accept them, let go of the anger, and do what you do with love. I’m not advocating for no treatment. Everyone needs therapy. I have flourished and with various therapies both structured and unstructured of my own rendering. Some people cannot even tell at times that I am autistic. But is that to appease them or myself I now wonder?


  1. See you are such a great writer. You speak about relevant issues where as I just tell you what I did or what has been going on and none of it really has to do with Autism. You get to the point where as I have no clue what the point is therefore you won't read prolific blogs like I read here. Good job once again. :)

  2. Well, I get your's those NT's that are confused!
